Jail Break From My High School Situationship

Jail Break From My High School Situationship

I had been talking to this guy since my junior year of high school (i’m now a college freshman) and it was super toxic, on and off, all that stuff. He actually hooked up with all of my friends in high school and I still forgave him but that’s a story for another time!! Anyways! So summer comes to an end and we both head off to different colleges, my college being in another state numerous hours away. About three months into college, and countless “I miss you”, “I love you”, “can u come see me” texts, I come home and go visit him and some other friends at his school. I end up spending the night at his place and obviously we hook up. He was telling me the whole time that if I just went to the same school as him he would date me and he just misses me all the time and blah blah blah. So the weekends over, I go back to my school and he stays at his. TWO DAYS LATER, HE STARTS DATING A GIRL FROM OUR HIGH SCHOOL (WHO HAS THE SAME NAME AS ME). So you know I cry for days on end , go out and drink, all that stuff and then I eventually get over it! We’ve been no contact for about 3 months now, but a few days ago my friend calls me on the phone and starts telling me how he got arrested! Long story short, he got in a physical fight, ran from the police, and the girlfriend (who has my same name🙄) had to bail him out of jail for $5k! Just makes me think how grateful I am to know my worth and never again will I be treated like that! (Also feels nice to know that I’m having the time of my life at college and he is doing terrible in all aspects of life.)
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